Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New Activity

Today in Outdoor Pursuits, we did a few trust building activities. One of the activities was called, "Willow in the Wind." This activity involved 9-12 students making a circle, while one student stood in the middle of the circle. The student in the middle would lock their hands together and close their eyes. The student would relax and fall backwards as the students around the circle were the spotters and had to catch the person. The students would then gently push the person in the middle all around the circle until someone said stop. This was a trust building activity because if you were the person in the middle, you were trusting the circle of students to catch and gently push you around the circle. As this was the first time I've ever done this activity, I really enjoyed it and would love to teach it to my students one day.


CaseyR said...

Hey Rachel,
I think its cool that you liked this activity, howeve I really didnt enjoy it. I guess i really dont really trust people that much just yet, but I guess thats the point in the activity, trust building. haha.
Have a good night:)

Laura said...

That sounds like a really cool activity. I would so much rather do that activity than the trust fall.

sekura27 said...

I think this would be really good activity to teach students. IT helps build trust among students and has them working as a team. This would help not only enhance the students ability to communicate about a topic but also improve social skills in general. This is a activity that i would put into my curriculum.

Chelsea said...

I have to agree with you. I thought that this activity was a lot of fun and even though I was terrified to do it, when it was my turn to go I actually enjoyed it. I also agree it would be great to teach.