Monday, March 24, 2008

Drug Testing - For Athletes or Everyone?

When posting on the NASPE Forum, I talked about drug testing because it is a very controversial subject these days. When drug testing at the high school level, why do most schools only test student-athletes, and not the other students? I question this because this is what took place when I was in high school. In my opinion, I feel as though the students who do not participate in extra-curricular activities are the ones doing drugs and other illegal acts. I do not think it’s fair to single out athletes because they are most likely the ones to test negative for drug tests. So my question to you is: Do you think drug testing should be for all high school students, or just the athletes?


Brandi said...

I agree with you Rachel! I think that the student-athletes are the ones who are less likely to test positive and that all high school students should be drug tested. We didn't have drug testing at my high school, but it was discussed on taking a select handful of students every month, both athletes and non-athletes.

carly whisler said...

I think that drug testing should deffinetly be for all high school students and not athletes. They make such a big deal not to single out people in schools, but this is a great example of them doing just the opposite. And I also agree that the people that are into doing drugs are the ones that are not the athletes. It should just be random selection and not athletes if they really do want to take a drug test for some reason.