Monday, March 3, 2008

Nintendo Wii

Tomorrow officially begins my spring break as I'll be heading home right after my 2:00 class. I haven't been home since Christmas break, so I'm excited to see my family and friends. One of my friends just bought Nintendo Wii last week, so I'm pretty pumped to play it. I've only played Wii once, and all I remember is being sore the next day! I boxed and played tennis, and I can still remember how bad my shoulders and sides hurt the following day. But, you really do get a good workout if you play continuously. Since I'm so competitive, I won't quit until I win - which isn't always the best trait of mine! But, it's a fun game to play with a few people, so I could definitely see myself investing in a Nintendo Wii in the near future.


JC Pesto said...

wii, is def. a really fun thing. my roomie has a wii and we playing bowling and golf all the time. you can loose track of time after playing it for so long. after every game you get more and more into it and you never want to stop till you are either tired or your eyes hurt from looking at the tv for so long. the person who came up with wii is very talented. so i beleive that wii is so much fun and it makes kids move and have fun also.

CaseyR said...
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CaseyR said...

Rachel, I am so happy to hear that you will be having fun playing the Wii while I am having fun playing real tennis at a real beach but thats ok haha I love you and I hope you have a great spring break. Also nice profile picture Have a good break girl! Also the Wii is such a good workout if you do the cardio element to it so check that out when you are playing with it!

Mike T said...

Wii one of the best things ever me and my brother one time were playing boxing and somehow we started trash taking and ended up in a real fight. So don’t do that, but yeah wii is a different experience in games. Have a great break see you at camping.

crawmar45 said...

Wii is probably one of the greatest creations ever. growing up i never had video games, so i never really understood the whole idea of sitting on my ass with a controller in my hand. but then the Wii came out, and you're actually active and moving. it makes way more sense. and bowling is fun.