Tuesday, February 19, 2008

PE in Schools

In Physical Education classes at my high school, when a student doesn't dress, they have to walk the entire class period. Now, in my opinion, I think that this is a little ridiculous. During my PE classes in high school, there was always at least 2 people who claimed to be sick or forgot their clothes. Therefore, they would just have to walk around the gym or in the hallway. I feel as though they should be instructed to do something more productive. For example, they could either read material about the activity that the class is doing that day, or even watch a video on the skills involved. I say this because the students should be more involved even if they aren't participating with the entire class. Another thing that is so frustrating is that these students don't even walk at a reasonable pace - so it is useless. They are either texting on their phone or watching the class do activities. So, I'm not sure if this happens in all PE classes, but it sure won't happen when I'm teaching in a public school!

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