Monday, February 4, 2008


Over the weekend, I listened to Dr. Leight's podcasts she put on blackboard. In my opinion, hearing the material we went over class for a second time is very beneficial. You can rewind to hear something again, or even pause to take a few notes. After listening to the podcasts, I feel much more confident going into our quiz this week. I think the entire class should take advantage of this opportunity that Dr. Leight has provided us with. Hopefully my quiz results will reflect this great use of technology!

1 comment:

sls3816 said...

I never thought of using those podcasts to study for the quizes. You will have to let me know if it helped your grade. I agree with you though on how we probably should utilze them. Technology is a field in which there is a lot of information and in this class, all of it is being thrown at us. So using all the utilites that Dr. Leight gives us would help us in this class.